"History is past politics, and politics present history." John Robert Seeley

"The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see." Winston Churchill

"What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing." Aristotle


Roy Mason, Secretary of State for N. Ireland, 1976 – 1979: ‘Criminalisation’ & ‘Ulsterisation’

Took a firm hand against Unionist threats of strike action in 1977 – deploying British Army & RUC to protect power stations etc.
The Prevention of Terrorism Act (1974), allowed Mason to take a much stronger stance against the IRA
Interrogation and ‘Criminalisation’ of IRA activity & suspects led to a dramatic drop in deaths in Northern Ireland.
Increased state spending for firms such as Haarland & Wolfe & DeLorean plant.
Increased public sector employment and gave generous social funding.

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