Junior Cycle History
Click on the header title (underlined) to access each chapter of the course.
N.B. Click on the People in History file in each chapter to access a completed example of that topic: Check each day for updates on these
Click on Files for Download for a complete itinerary of powerpoints & word files for download.
- Junior Cert Exam Guidelines (H)
- Junior Cert Exam Guidelines (O)
- Section 3 Short Questions Revision for 2014
- Extended Guidelines & Suggested Topics for JC 2014
- Files for Download (JC History)
The Work of an Archaeologist
The Stone Age
Ancient Rome – Republic to Empire
- Life & Times of Rome
- The Reach of the Roman Empire
- The City of Rome
- The Roman Senate
- The Roman Army
- Roman Architecture
- Roman Engineering: Roads & Aqueducts
The Renaissance
The Revolution of Perspective PowerPoint

- Why Northern Italy?
- The Role of Patrons
- The Printing Press
- Renaissance Painting
- Renaissance Architecture
- Michelangelo
- People in History Leonardo daVinci
- Galileo Galilei
- Albrecht Dürer (German Renaissance)
- Abuses within the Roman Church
- Sale of Indulgences
- Martin Luther Religious Reformer during the Reformation
- Europe After Luther
- Jean Calvin
- John Knox
- The Counter-Reformation
- The Spanish Inquisition
- The Council of Trent
- The Jesuits
The Age of Discovery
- Motives for Exploration
- People in History Christopher Columbus
- New Innovations in ship-building
- New navigation instruments
- Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)
- Ireland in the 1500s
- The Laois-Offaly Plantation
- The Munster Plantation
- The NineYears’ War
- The Battle of Kinsale
- TheFlight of the Earls 1607
- The Ulster Plantation
- The English Civil War
- The Cromwellian Plantation
- The Protestant Ascendancy
The Age of Revolutions – When & Why?
- George Washington PowerPoint
- The American Revolution
- The 13 Colonies
- Revolution Stirs
- American War of Independence
- The-American-Revolution Revision
- French Revolution
The Industrial Revolution
- Population Explosion
- Urbanisation
- From Domestic System to Factory System
- The Agricultural Revolution
- The Transport Revolution
- Working & Living Conditions in 18th Century England
- Industrial-Revolution PPT
Social Change in Ireland, 1900 – 2000
- Communications
- Education
- Lives of Women
- Transport
Political Change in 20th Century Ireland
- The Home Rule Crisis 1912-1914
- The Easter Rising 1916
- The 1918 General Election
- The 1st Dail Eireann 1919
- Irish War of Independence 1919-1921
- The Anglo-Irish Treaty 1921
- The Irish Civil War 1922-1923
- Cumann na nGaedhael in Power 1923-1932
- DeValera & ‘Dismantling the Treaty’ 1932-1939
- The ‘Emergency’ 1939-1945
- 1st Inter-Party Government 1948-1951
- Ireland in the 1950s
- Sean Lemass & 1st Programme for Economic Expansion 1959-1966
- Ireland & the EEC 1973-2000
- Northern Ireland 1969-1998
International Relations in the 20th Century
- Treaty of Versailles 1919
- Weimar Germany 1920 – 1933
- Nazi Germany 1933 – 1939
- World-War-II-ppt
- The Cold War & Space Race