Junior & Leaving Cert. History
JC History
LC History
Politics & Society
Atlas of History
Classical Studies
"History is past politics, and politics present history." John Robert Seeley
"The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see." Winston Churchill
"What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing." Aristotle
JC People in History
Archaeologist Working on a Dig
Neolithic (Pre-Christian) farmer in Ireland
Early Christian Ireland Monk
A Knight in a Medieval Castle
Martin Luther
Christopher Columbus
Leonardo da Vinci
George Washington
Maximilien Robespierre
A factory worker during the Industrial Revolution
Michael Collins
John F. Kennedy (Cold War)
Sean Lemass
English LC
English Leaving Certificate (HL)
English Leaving Certificate (OL)
Junior Cert. English
Junior Cert. English
Francais (JC)
Junior Cert French
Futur Proche
Passé Composé
Futur Simple
Formulaire (LC Ordinary Level)
English as a Foreign Language
Why Northern Italy?
Separate city-states (political units)
Culturally similar
Rivals in business and cultural growth
Sporadic military conflicts between city states
Papal authority over all city-states
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Irish History Podcast
St Brigid: Pagan Goddess or Christian Saint?
Hitler's Irish Translator: Nazi Sympathiser or Following Orders?
The Irish Catholic Church: How did it become so powerful?
Winston Churchill: The Irish View on a British Legend
Irish Lives in Victorian London: History and Influence
Why Didn't Irish People Eat Fish During the Great Hunger?
Why Was Life Expectancy So Low in Ireland Until 1900?
1719: The Irish Rescue of the Polish Princess Bride
Societal Collapse: Did It Happen in Irish History?
Your Prehistoric Ancestors: More Sophisticated than you think!
People in History (JC)
Archaeologist Working on a Dig
Neolithic (Pre-Christian) farmer in Ireland
Early Christian Ireland Monk
A Knight in a Medieval Castle
Martin Luther
Christopher Columbus
Leonardo da Vinci
George Washington
Maximilien Robespierre
A factory worker during the Industrial Revolution
Michael Collins
John F. Kennedy (Cold War)
Sean Lemass
Key Personalities: Ireland (LC)
Arthur Griffith
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov: Lenin 1870 – 1924